Supporting Darvin Dances

Darvin Dances acknowledges that not everyone can support via monetary donations so we provide multiple avenues of aid. You can help by providing rehearsal space, sharing our posts on Instagram, volunteering as an usher for performances or buying a performance ticket. If you’re interested in other avenues of supporting Darvin Dances that aren’t monetary, please email us!

Ways to Support Darvin Dances

Caffeine Fiend

You love caffeine as much as our artists do! Help those creative juices to flow & buy the choreographer and dancers some coffee.

Donation Amount: $20


Office Assistant

The next most important thing after our dancers and choreographers? The space they’ll be rehearsing in. Help us book 3 hours in our rehearsal space.

Donation Amount: $63


Dancer Backer

You just want to see us succeed! This tier supports a dancer for two months by covering their rehearsal paycheck.

Donation Amount: $150


Location Scout

The dancers have been caffeinated, they’ve practiced, and they’ve been paid. Help us book a performance venue!

Donation Amount: $500


Dancer jumping in the air

Or be an In Kind Supporter (donating services, space, etc)

One of our In Kind Supporters is Lawyers for the Creative Arts! Their organization is linked below

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